Dinky Toys is a brand of toys created in 1934 in the UK. The toys are then manufactured in the United Kingdom and France by Meccano Ltd, which produced the first toy cars and lead in zinc alloy, but also some trains, planes, boats and various figurines and road accessories. The brand enjoyed great success over the years 1950 to 1970. It was bought from other toy brands.
The name "Dinky Toys" could be translated as "cute toys."
A series of French Dinky Toys was produced in France in 1934. The first models were a Lead roadster, a sports coupe, a van, a pickup truck, a tractor and a tank and figurines, too close to the 1 / 43rd representing characters from everyday life and station staff and train.
All these objects had primary function is to brighten miniature train runs. Meccano France produced first models designed in Britain, whose molds were more or less close English mussels.
The Dinky Toys were not invented by Meccano, that are copies of Tootsietoys manufactured in Chicago since the early 1920s.
Depending on the model, the Dinky Toys were conducted at scales ranging from 1/8 to a lawnmower at 1/2000 for ships. The most common scales were the 1/48, 1/45 and 1/42.
Some rare or very rare models can reach record auction at auctions, but most remain at affordable rates. The current record is € 14,000 for a promotional van.
The first entirely French Dinky Toys appeared in 1939. These are the Peugeot 402 in normal version, and then by taxi, and Simca 5. During the war Meccano France was requisitioned by the occupant and must work for his Märklin competitor.
The brand is very successful until the late 60's main competitors were Norev Solido and in France, Corgi Toys in the UK. We know that in 1951 the plant produced Bobigny 7 million of Dinky Toys.
In 1964 the British firm was bought by Lines brothers who hold the Triang brand name Dinky Toys is retained. Then it was bought by Airfix in 1971 and the attempt to set a series of models. The brand DINKY TOYS disappears and is replaced by DINKY®. DINKY TOYS The brand has not been used since.
In 1971, the factory is closed and some Bobigny military Dinky Calais are made for a short time. From 1974 the French Dinky Toys are no longer produced in Spain at the end of a contract with the Auto Pilen firm. The year 1979 seems to sound the death knell of the mark; Yet in 1981 still carrying out two miniature engraved under their floor the Dinky brand, a Ford Fiesta and a Simca 1308 GT. These are not the Dinky but Auto Pilen sold under the brand Dinky.
In 1986, the company Universal Holdings of Hong Kong already owns Matchbox Dinky becomes owner of the brand, all will be taken over by Mattel Matchbox occur but in Hong Kong the "Dinky Collection".
In 2006 Mattel will produce four Matchbox Dinky model in the brand and in 2008 a license to sell Atlas editions for the production of copies of Dinky Toys 1960.
Lines Brothers Meccano bought in 1967 and ceases production of its excellent miniatures Spot On, pitched in 1959 by the factory in Belfast and all made a scale of 1 / 42th, retaining the brand Dinky Toys. production under the brand Spot On will continue until 1969 by New Zealander affiliate.